
Inclusive Interactivity

Project goals:  

  • Working with a partner organisation, bring together a diverse focus group living with physical disabilities
  • Document shortcomings in current exhibit design which hinder the engagement for the focus group by visiting some major science exhibitions in England
  • Commission an artist and other professionals as needed to support the focus group to research, design and build three new interactive exhibits

Bringing together a research team of people with experience of living with disabilities which affect mobility, Discovering42 is investigating existing challenges and limitations around interactive exhibit design in museums and science centres. The research team will then go on to devise innovative and inclusive solutions.

Through supported collaboration with an artist and other specialists in integrative design, the project hopes to see the creation of three new interactive STEM exhibits for visitors to Discovering42’s Cornwall site. 

Two groups of people working together at tables, some of the people are in wheelchairs

Partnership working is at the heart of the project, and the Discovering42 team has gained relevant insight and expertise via local disability support groups, disAbility Cornwall and Active8. These collaborations have also aided in recruiting research team members.

This process has taken longer than was initially planned, but a flexible approach and timeline has allowed for specific needs to be met and for group members to be fully comfortable with signing up for the project. Upcoming plans for the group include visits to museum and science centres around England followed by ideation and planning sessions.

Throughout, Discovering42 is documenting the process and plans to share its learning with other museums and science centres. This will include video resources for those interested in developing more inclusive, hands-on, and community-created offerings.